Totally Transform Your Marriage In Just 8-Weeks Or Less...Guaranteed

Our Modern Marriage Coaching process can quickly and easily eliminate conflict, restore intimacy and communication, and rekindle the love experienced in the early stages of the relationship

Schedule A FREE 45-Minute "Marriage Assessment Session" In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...

It's Your Turn To Have A Happy, Fulfilled Marriage...

Why Choose Better Marriage?

Because if you fall into the category of "Couples We Can Help" our "Marriage Recovery" process flat out works!

Not only that, it works significantly FASTER than any other form of Counseling/Therapy available today.

So why is Better Marriage so effective?

Because what changes a marriage at lightning speed is NOT TALKING ABOUT THE PAST!

It's AGGRESSIVELY seeking out and IMPLEMENTING NEW BEHAVIOR to shape the future…

It's really quite simple...

Change your behavior in the marriage...The marriage changes!

What works is NOT COMPLICATED, and it's not hard.

But here's the problem..."You Don't Know What You Don't Know!".

And with all respect...If you knew what worked, you probably wouldn't be reading this page right now!

So the #1 question I get asked all the time is "How Do I Know This Will Work For Me?".

The Answer is "Are You Willing To Change Your Behavior?".

If the answer is "YES"...Then 110% this will work for you :)

So here's my next question...

What have you got to lose by talking with us?

The initial call is free (for the next few days), and the worst case scenario is that at the end of the session...You're in the same place and it didn't cost you anything.

Best case scenario...Your marriage is transformed for the better :)

So click the link below and let's get that call scheduled :)

It's the first step to getting your marriage back.

Remember...It's action that changes marriages...NOT thinking about taking action!

You've got NOTHING to Lose, and EVERYTHING to Gain :)

Schedule A FREE 45-Minute "Marriage Assessment Session" In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...

Are You Seeing Any Of The Following Problems In Your Marriage?

  • Lack of Communication
  • Lack of Sexual Intimacy
  • Selfishness
  • ​Fighting About Money
  • ​ Growing apart, No joint Interests
  • Ignoring Boundaries
  • Lack of Emotional Intimacy
  • Emotional or Sexual Infidelity
  • ​Value Differences
  • Different Life Stages
  • ​Lack Of Commitment

These Problems Are An Epidemic Among Couples, And They Will Not Go Away By Themselves...

It’s Cody here from Better Marriage, and I just want to congratulate you on reading this page as a first step to help you achieve the Marriage and Life you know YOU deserve.
But here’s the thing…
I’m sure you’re ready to see positive changes in your marriage…But…
For things to change, things have to change!
Sounds silly right?
You can’t keep doing the things you’ve always done, and expect things just to change for the better.
That’s madness!
Things will change, for sure, but usually for the worse!
It’s like a garden…

If you don’t tend to it, it will become more and more overgrown with weeds, and harder and harder to correct.
That’s the change that happens automatically, all by itself.
Hoping things improve is not a strategy for success.
Do you want that kind of random, degenerative change to show up in your marriage, and ultimately in the life of your children and family?
Would you prefer cultivated, purposeful, deliberate change to show up?
It’s up to you!
It’s a choice you’re going to make one way or another.
You either take control and start making conscious choices
Just get whatever shows up!
I like to think of it like the old proverb…
“When Is The Best Time To Plant A Tree?”.
20 Years Ago…
“When Is The Next Best Time?”.
My point is…
The past doesn’t matter, all that matters is WHAT YOU DO NOW!
So here’s the good news 🙂
You can quickly transform your marriage to experience…
-Emotion and Sexual and Emotional Intimacy.
-Deep Connection and Communication.
-Deeper Levels Of Commitment.
-A Shared Vision For The Present and Future.
-Clearly Defined and Respected Boundaries.
-Self-Esteem and Confidence.
-Plus Much More…
But here’s bad news
It’s not going to happen by itself!
And let’s be honest (because that’s the secret sauce to change)…
It’s only going to get worse if you don't take MASSIVE ACTION NOW.
If it hasn’t happened by now…What’s going to change to make it happen in the future?
So I’ve 3 questions for you…
1. If you’re in the same place you are right now, (or worse) this time next year, or in 5 years…Are you OK with that?
2. What’s going to happen if you are in the same place?
3. .What’s your plan to change that?
Because we specialize in making sure you’re in a much better place.
We work personally with you and your spouse to create that plan to not just get excited about the future, but actually give you the skills to make it a reality.
We have the skills and over 10 years of experience in TRANSFORMING MARRIAGES.
You don’t have very long to figure this stuff out, every day counts!
So I’d love to share with you some info I know you’ll find helpful, and invite you to speak with us about what you can do to help you to RESTORE, REPAIR, AND REBUILD Your Marriage :)

Schedule A FREE 45-Minute "Marriage Assessment Session" In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...

The Solution Is Our "The Marriage Recovery Process"…

 “Our Marriage Recovery Process” Is A Shortcut...You'll See Dramatic Results In Your Marriage In As Little As 8 Weeks Or Less...

  • Marriage Is Hard
  • Divorce Is Harder

Choose your hard!
The decision you make will not only define the rest of your life, but your children's lives.
And the sad part is...
The vast majority of marriages can be saved...Especially if both parties are committed to a successful outcome.
Our goal is to quickly uproot harmful patterns (with our proven process), that are causing the problems in your marriage.
You see...It's NOT Your Fault.
Who taught you how to be successfully married?
The good news is that you can have a happy, intimate and supportive marriage.
Things can turn around.
You can be Happy, Fulfilled...AND Married :)

Our "Marriage Recovery Process” is a unique and highly effective approach to helping Couples develop the Skills, Strategies, and Marriage Success Blueprints needed to excel and thrive in every area of marriage...

Even when everything else you've tried has failed.

In Fact...Our average couple is able to Stop The Fighting, Rest, Intimacy, and Communication, And bring the Love...

In as little as just 8-weeks!

Schedule A FREE 45-Minute "Marriage Assessment Session" In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...

Our Secret To Success

Our reason for such massive success is to understand that the solution to your marriage is in YOU, NOT your Partner!
When you're able to "Change How You See The Marriage"…"The Marriage You See Will Change"!
After you go through the Better Marriage "Marriage Recovery Process", one of two things will happen
1. The Marriage Will Provide Intimacy, Communication, Security And Fulfillment.
2. You will know that the marriage was not "Saveable", and you'll be able to make your next decisions "Regret Free"!
Either way…
You'll experience clarity, focus, and freedom like you probably haven't in a while!

Schedule A FREE 45-Minute "Marriage Assessment Session" In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...

Our Unique Marriage Recovery Process

Hi, I’m Cody, I Am Your Marriage Coach

Before you even think about trusting me...Let me share a few things about myself...

Back in 2005 I was a very unhappy person, severely depressed to the point I couldn’t even get out of bed for days at a time.

Suffering from chronic anxiety...And totally lost.

I’d been in a series of painfully failed relationships, and to top it all off...I drank too much, too often!

I Decided Something Had To Change

I started to study “Relationships”, I got obsessed with it. Books, courses, seminars, coaches, literally anything that I could find that would provide the skills I needed to have a successful relationship.

Love Is Something You Attract…Not Command

I discovered that the secret to a successful relationship was to work harder on myself than on my spouse!

I had always blamed my spouse for the failure, I never thought for a second…Maybe I had something to do with it!

All my relationships had followed a similar pattern of failure, and what was the "Lowest Common Denominator" in all this?

The answer was me!

I could also see the same patterns in friends' and colleagues' relationships too!

Now I'm not saying you're to blame…Far from it!

What I am saying is that you have the ability 100% to change yourself, and ZERO% ability to make your spouse change against their will.

Fight the battles that can be won!

Learn The Skills

I learned the skills of "How To Have A Successful Relationship (and have been happily married ever since).
I learned how to communicate effectively.
I learned how to get my needs met while meeting my wife's needs.
I learned how to create a shared vision and purpose for our marriage.
Best of all, this is all learnable very quickly for anybody with a desire to do so.

I Could See Others Were Suffering

I could also see that MOST people around me were suffering too.

I knew there was a solution, I knew a different path and I wanted to share it.

You see…

Marriage is not a skill that is taught in school, and our parents most likely didn't do any better.

And that's why I do what I do…

You don't need to suffer, there is another way other than totally sacrificing yourself, or divorce.

Schedule a call now, and start the process of transforming not just your marriage but your life.

Schedule A FREE 45-Minute "Marriage Assessment Session" In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...

We Can Help You Transform Your Marriage...Are You Ready?

Schedule A 45 Minute Call With Us Now For FREE, To Learn More About Our "Marriage Recovery" Process...And To Find Out If It's Right For Your Marriage...

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